Masks: Action Punks Ep 3
Being a teen is tough, but being a teen with super powers means acne and poorly timed erections are the least of your worries.
Join the Action Punks as they attempt to balance being superheroes with being high school students. Rivalries, crushes, cultural prejudice, and tragedy can really weigh on you when you’re just trying to get a passing grade, and not get disintegrated by baddies.
Artwork by Mieart who can be commissioned through Fiverr
Action Punks Assemble!
Captain Football, Shadow Boxer, Helix and Manateen are out to be Halcyon City’s newest team of teen superheroes.
Will they be able to stop a team of villains bent on unleashing hell on the city? And will they be accepted by the city’s premier group of super heroes?
Action Punks is:
David as Shadow Boxer
Carl as Helix
Leigh as Capt. Football
Alex as Manateen
and Austin as your Game Master
Masks is a game by Magpie Games
Artwork by Mieart who can be commissioned through Fiverr