This AMerican Dice is an actual play podcast created by Austin and David. They are gamers based in Central Florida.

Dungeon World: After the Last Battle Ep 9 - Finale (Classic)

Dungeon World: After the Last Battle Ep 9 - Finale (Classic)

Join This American Dice for the grand finale of our Classic Dungeon World actual play!

Dungeon World: After the Last Battle Ep 9 - Finale (Classic)
This American Dice


The exciting finale. Face to face with a dragon and a Sorceress bent on revenge, can our heroes stop the Round Earthers?


The Great War has ended. The terror and torment that touched the lives of nearly everyone in the land have ceased. The enemy vanquished, peace shall reign as it had for centuries prior. 

Amid the parades of victorious soldiers returning home after the long conflict the lord of the last major city at the edge of the land has summoned you for a meeting.

As the confetti and streamers are scattered, and the celebratory wine flows, the Iron Duke has a mission for four would be heroes?

Dungeon World: After the Last Battle is

Leigh as Dirk Savage

David as Gritta Grimhammer

Alex as Jeff

Carl as Rosco Tinklechimes

and Austin is your game master

Music by Austin and Alex (not the one who plays Jeff)

Dungeon World is a game by Sage Latorra and Adam Koebel

Lady Blackbird Ep 1 (Classic)

Lady Blackbird Ep 1 (Classic)

Dungeon World: After the Last Battle Ep 8 (Classic)

Dungeon World: After the Last Battle Ep 8 (Classic)