Dungeons and Dragon Balls Ep 4
Back in Castle Damara, our heroes meet another worthy foe…one who brings up gumbo a lot more than you would expect. Can they defeat this Cajun creature or will their cause end calamitously? Find out!
The ogre Bonegnasher is searching for the Orb of Dragonkind. If he finds it we will all be killed or enslaved. Can a team of brave heroes stop him? That’s the question asked by the 1995 Introduction to Advanced Dungeons and Dragons I got when I was a kid…lets see how this bad bitch holds up!
Our héros are:
Leigh as Madog
Carl as Dawi Dall
Wally as Le Dirty Panda
Alex S as Soolsburg
and Austin as you Dungeon Master
Dungeon World is a game by Adam Koebel and Sage LaTorra
Dungeons and Dragons is a property of Wizards of the Coast…and formerly TSR.
Music for this episode includes:
Oblivion by Whitesand
Artwork is by Abhrabhattachar who can be reached through Fiverr