This AMerican Dice is an actual play podcast created by Austin and David. They are gamers based in Central Florida.

Lasers and Feelings: The Raptor vs The Brain Worms Ep 2

Lasers and Feelings: The Raptor vs The Brain Worms Ep 2

Their mission is to stop the Brain Worms from taking control of the Star Dreadnought, a gigantic Consortium weapon…I mean personal protective device.
Can our intrepid crew stop these squirmy wormy’s from making off with a thing that’s definitely not the Death Star?
Will they fix everything? Or will they find their little red wagons fixed?
Find out on Episode 2 of Lasers and Feelings: The Raptor vs The Brain Worms!

Lasers n Feelings.jpg

Our cast for this episode included

Justin as Jareth Pax the Sexy Scientist

Dave as Slugs Rashman the Hotshot Engineer

David as Cord-L  as the Android Envoy

Austin was your Game Master

You can find Justin on Twitch Tuesdays around 8:30pm Eastern on the socials for which are The Junk Drawer Show so check them out.

Lasers and Feelings is a game by John Harper, which you can find at this link:

D&D: Dragon of Ice Spire Peak Part 38: Cryovain the Cruel

D&D: Dragon of Ice Spire Peak Part 38: Cryovain the Cruel

D&D: Dragon of Ice Spire Peak Part 37: Barlow Down, Dirty Fight

D&D: Dragon of Ice Spire Peak Part 37: Barlow Down, Dirty Fight