This AMerican Dice is an actual play podcast created by Austin and David. They are gamers based in Central Florida.

Skate Wizards - Horn of Valhalla Part 1 - One Hell of a Churro

Skate Wizards - Horn of Valhalla Part 1 - One Hell of a Churro

A steezy role-playing game about radical and arcane shredding of the Gnar!

The trio of Skate Wizards set out on their righteous quest to recover the Horn of Valhalla from some gnarly bugbear narcs. Will they pop that gap or get schralped by the sketchiness below?

Our Cast is:
Risa as Kyler Ren Montana
Austin as Trux Pronk
Eduardo as Wade³ III
and David as the GM

All art by Michael C. Hsiung, big props to him!

Skate Wizards is a collab between artist Michael C. Hsiung and musician Levi Nunez of Loot the Body

Music for this episode was Skate Wizards and Horn of Valhalla by Loot the Body (This American Dice does not own this music and gives all props to Loot the Body)

Skate Wizards - The Ramp Up

Skate Wizards - The Ramp Up