Squarriors Episode 2
This American presents a classic from the early days of the podcast that’s been off the feed for a bit.
Join us for a This American Dice classic!
The noble woodland warriors are on a quest to save their lost chum Lil-Stinker, but when they’re far away from home and faced with the razor sharp beaks of some flying fiends, what is a Squarrior to do?
Plus special guest Pres. Ronald Reagan stops by to tell us about the dangers of drugs.
Check out some Squarriors art below
by Austin
Squarriors is a game by Austin and is a parody-homage to the comic series Squarriors created by Ash Maczko.
This American Dice Squarriors stars
David as Cheekers Squeekers
Alex as Peanut
Katie as Skitters Skits Tittertale
Marisa as Zucarita
With game master and designer Austin
by David and Austin
Skitters “Skits” Tittertale by Katie
Zucarita and Peanut by Marisa
Cheekers Squeekers - by David