This AMerican Dice is an actual play podcast created by Austin and David. They are gamers based in Central Florida.

Zombie World: Greetings from Zombie Farms Ep 2

Zombie World: Greetings from Zombie Farms Ep 2

With the undead inside the fences and a dispute over who gets to be in the bunker on old man Colton’s farm turning hot, you know there’s going to be trouble.

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A group of survivors huddle together on a West Virginia farm - a place they hope will be a refuge from the tide of walking dead that roam the earth. Of course the threats within their haven are just as dangerous. Down on Zombie Farms, they’re cooking up a mess of drama!

Zombie World: Greetings from Zombie Farms is:

Trevor as Adison

Branden as Troy

Austin as Cook

and David as the Game Master

Dungeon World: Hunt for the Black Stallions Finale

Dungeon World: Hunt for the Black Stallions Finale

Dungeon World: Hunt for the Black Stallions Ep 5

Dungeon World: Hunt for the Black Stallions Ep 5