The team discovered that their monster is a young woman named Roberta Hellinger
They followed her to a part of the Swamps Head State Forest, but…though they found her, they were not the only ones.
The team discovered that their monster is a young woman named Roberta Hellinger
They followed her to a part of the Swamps Head State Forest, but…though they found her, they were not the only ones.
They’re in some kind of fruit based fantom zone!
Can our paranormal investigators defeat the ancient evil that besets them?
-A second victim was killed at the local university
-The players pursued the monster to the nearby city park
-They encountered two mysterious men, one a young man who threatened them with a knife and told them to leave some mysterious HER alone, and the other a man in black that gave sundry a suspicious watch
-But just as they thought they defeated what they believe is a werepanther, they may have more trouble on their hands
Can our team of fantom finders fix this grocer’s grizzly goings on?
Will Tithonus couple with enough men to break his curse?
Will the Shapes Gym keep Sean on the payroll?
Find out on the 2nd episode of Inspectres!
Last time we learned that we had a suspect, but does that suspect bear the power to eviscerate not only cattle but the very proof that it preyed on the domestic creatures…and people…of Palmetto City
A paranormal investigation and elimination service dedicated to safeguarding the human race from extra-dimensional hazards and supernatural manifestations.
Join a super buff IT guy that is totally not upset with his height, a stand-up comedian who is obsessed with death, and an ancient monk who has to bang his way through battalions of men to undo a curse.
The team attempts to set a trap for the werecreature they have been hunting.
Strange as the customs of an isolated village may be, it has not escaped the notice of keen treasure hunters such as yourselves that centuries of offerings and shipwrecks have left a great hoard of untouched riches beneath the waves.
You have heard rumors of a cove there, just visible at low tide. Superstitious villagers avoid it, but
you know better than to believe their tales.
The team discovered that this is indeed some kind of were-creature that is activated three times a month. It’s been striking at animals in the nearby State Forest, and not merely animals…but a young couple was only narrowly saved from death….for now.
Strange as the customs of an isolated village may be, it has not escaped the notice of keen treasure hunters such as yourselves that centuries of offerings and shipwrecks have left a great hoard of untouched riches beneath the waves.
You have heard rumors of a cove there, just visible at low tide. Superstitious villagers avoid it, but
you know better than to believe their tales.
The team learned that they’re searching for a creature that at least three times a month consumes the flesh and the hearts of victims. They will have to search in the Swamps Head Forest, but they’ve learned that their quarry also comes into the city…far too often.
Strange as the customs of an isolated village may be, it has not escaped the notice of keen treasure hunters such as yourselves that centuries of offerings and shipwrecks have left a great hoard of untouched riches beneath the waves.
You have heard rumors of a cove there, just visible at low tide. Superstitious villagers avoid it, but
you know better than to believe their tales.
One of the world’s largest corporations has taken a mysterious interest in a west-coast Florida town on the grow; not labor, or even natural resources, but the supernatural.
A team of investigators are sent to “acquire” whatever strange and unexplainable phenomena they can find.
Seeking the the sunken treasures offered up to the sea, Orlin, Russel, and Nima head onto the seas to find either untouched riches or their doom
Welcome back to Hits on the Record, tonight our topic is the meteoric success of country singer-songwriter Sundry Charms, and his platinum hit New Town Lane.
How did this relatively unknown skyrocket to the top of not just the country scene, but to the top of the charts of the wider music world, all without connection to, or even long experience in, any of the traditional country, or pop, studios or producers?
Strange as the customs of an isolated village may be, it has not escaped the notice of keen treasure hunters such as yourselves that centuries of offerings and shipwrecks have left a great hoard of untouched riches beneath the waves.
You have heard rumors of a cove there, just visible at low tide. Superstitious villagers avoid it, but
you know better than to believe their tales.
One of the world’s largest corporations has taken a mysterious interest in a west-coast Florida town on the grow; not labor, or even natural resources, but the supernatural.
A team of investigators are sent to “acquire” whatever strange and unexplainable phenomena they can find.
This American Monster is a podcast from This American Dice.
Our first full episode will be released October 21st.
Legend of the Five Rings produced the amazing sandbox setting Mimura: Village of Promises back in 2001.
Well, we’ve done L5R already, but what if we translated this fantasy feudal Japanese setting to a Wild West setting?
Essentially, what if we Magnificent Sevened this thing?
David and Austin sit down to discuss the NPCs that should inhabit this world.
We played a game, but what did we learn? How can you learn from us to make your games better?
When and where?
Legend of the Five Rings produced the amazing sandbox setting Mimura: Village of Promises back in 2001.
Well, we’ve done L5R already, but what if we translated this fantasy feudal Japanese setting to a Wild West setting?
Essentially, what if we Magnificent Sevened this thing?
David and Austin sit down to discuss when and where this should take place